Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011

Tante: Kylie Minogue Exhibition Faithful Bottom

Tante: Kylie Minogue Exhibition Faithful Bottom Los Angeles singer Kylie Minogue was proud of her ass. Kylie also promised to continue to show off her ass even though now he was already stepping 42 years.

As quoted by Contact Music,Kylie won more popularity through the hits 'Spinning Around' in 2000. In a video clip of the song, the singer from Australia that comes with wearing hotpants that showcased her ass shape. "I'm not going to cover my butt while I'm getting older now," says the singer who had a duet with Jason Donovan on 'Especially for You' is.

Kylie feels fortunate to have a beautiful butt shapes. Therefore, the singer who recently released the single 'All The Lovers' needs to exercise a routine. "I'll keep diving tour when my age as Madonna. So, I definitely have to keep its shape in order to remain beautiful," he explained.

Tante: Kylie Minogue, assed Beautiful Women

Tante: Kylie Minogue, assed Beautiful Women Can not be denied that a woman's curves are a thing of beauty. And one beautiful bodied woman, Kylie Minogue, this time with her ​​should be proud.

In a poll held by Slendertone, this Australian singer managed to reap a proud achievement. Not because his career in the music world, but precisely because one of the most beautiful part of the body. This poll menasbihkan Minogue as a woman with beautiful ass, beat the lot of women and other celebrities. In fact, Pippa Middleton, Prince William's younger brothers who later became the subject due to 'show off beautiful ass' to be a bridesmaid at her sister's wedding, should admit defeat on Minogue.

Minogue's first official ranks the most beautiful woman in the buttocks after most of the participants mentioned his name. One fifth of women and a quarter of poll participants agree that Kylie Minogue man who most deserves this title. (spl / mae)

Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011

Tante Maria del Rosario

Tante Maria del Rosario A real super mama: Maria del Rosario Cayetana Alfonsa Victoria Eugenia Francisca Fitz-James Stuart y de Silva. Maria del Rosario Cayetana Alfonsa Victoria Eugenia Francisca Fitz-James Stuart y de Silva is one of the wealthiest women in all of Spain, maybe the world, with an estimated worth on the high end of about $5bn.

But the Duchess is 85 years old, doesn’t give a flying fuck, and is giving her wealth away to marry Alfonso Diez, a civil servant who is 24 years younger. To prove to her children that the love is real, she is giving all her money to them. Well, to really prove it, she would give her money to charity, or the US government, but we can’t all be perfect.

Portrait : Cayetana Fitz-James-Stuart, duchesse d’Albe. Maria del Rosario, Cayetana, Alfonsa, Victoria Eugenia, Francisca Fitz-James Stuart voit le jour le 28 mars 1926 au Palais de Liria à Madrid. Elle est la fille unique de don Jacobo Fitz-James Stuart y Falco, 17ème Duc d’Albe et de dona Maria del Rosario de Silva y Gurtubay, duchesse de Aliaga et marquise de San Vicente del Barco.

Son parrain est le roi Alfonso XIII avec qui elle entretiendra des contacts étroits même lors de son exil à Rome. L’enfance de Cayetana (comme elle est appelée) est douloureuse car sa mère souffre de tuberculose. Pour des raisons médicales, Cayetana ne peut pas approcher sa mère qui décède lorsqu’elle n’a que 8 ans. Son père devint alors encore plus proche de sa fille unique.

En 1936, le duc d’Albe et sa fille partent en Grande-Bretagne. C’est à Londres que Cayetana grandit et suit ses études pendant que son père occupe le poste d’ambassadeur.

De retour en Espagne, le bal donné pour ses 18 ans est un grand événement mondain. Quelques années plus tard, elle rencontre Luis Martinez de Irujo, fils du duc de Sotomayor lors d’une corrida aux arènes de Madrid.

Leur mariage célébré le 12 octobre 1947 en la cathédrale de Séville est à nouveau un très grand événement. La mariée porte l’un des diadèmes de la famille, composé de perles et diamants. La célébration du mariage et le banquet coûtèrent à l’époque 12 millions de pesetas. Le jeune couple effectue un long voyage de noces qui les mène en Europe mais aussi aux Etats-Unis et au Mexique.

Cayetana donne naissance à Madrid le 2 octobre 1948 à un premier fils Carlos qui porte le nom de Fitz-James Stuart y Martinez de Irujo. En octobre 1950, un deuxième fils voit le jour : Alfonso qui lui porte le nom de Martinez de Irujo y Fitz-James Stuart.

Le duc d’Albe décède en 1953 et sa fille unique prend la tête de la famille d’Albe. Cayetana devient la 3ème duchesse d’Albe en titre. Elle est la femme la plus titrée avec 5 titres de duchesse, 18 titres de marquises, 20 titres de comtesse et 14 titres de Grande d’Espagne.

Personnage très populaire en Espagne, surtout pour sa vive répartie lorsque les journalistes l’interrogent, la duchesse d’Albe a défrayé le chronique ces derniers mois après avoir fait part de son intention de se marier avec Alfonso Diez, un fonctionnaire madrilène de 25 ans son cadet. Finalement, après la vive opposition de ses enfants et un entretien avec la reine d’Espagne, la duchesse a pour le moment mis ce projet entre parenthèses. Sa relation avec Alfonso Diez se poursuit et le couple a effectué plusieurs escapades en France et en Espagne ainsi qu’une croisière sur le Nil. Comme le déclarait la duchesse d’Albe avec ironie : »Mes enfants ont tous divorcé et ils vont me donner des conseils à moi qui ai épousé deux hommes dont seule la mort a pu me séparer ! ». (Merci à Caroline VM & Patricio – Copyright photos : Hola, Efe, Diez Minutos)

Tante Girang: Women with a wealth of Rp 42 trillion

Tante Girang: Women with a wealth of Rp 42 trillion MADRID - Maria del Rosario Cayetana Alfonsa Victoria Eugenia Francisca Fitz-James Stuart y de Silva (yes, that one name) is one of the richest women in all of Spain. Property is in the range of 850 million - and 5 billion U.S. dollars. But for the Duchess of Alba, a nickname she was 85 years, means nothing. He will soon hand them out at all his six children so he could marry the man she loved.

Sound like a plot of the novel, but that's what happened. Her children opposed the marriage, arguing that love is not pure prospective stepfather. Alfonso Diez, a civil servant is 24 years younger than their mother, allegedly only wanted his money.

Rose wedding news soon invite the public reaction. Search online for "marries duchess" and "duchess spain fortune" are both very popular.

Duchess's children all came from his first marriage, Pedro Luis Martinez de Irujo y Artazcoz, son of the Duke of Sotomayor. He died in 1972. Duchess remarried in 1978 with a former Jesuit priest Jesus Aguirre y ex named Ortiz de Zarate. He died in 2001. Diez Duchess has been friends with for several years. In fact, there are rumors of marriage in 2008, but nothing happened after the children were "vetoed" the idea of ​​marriage.

Now, there will be no veto. According to The Guardian UK, duchess has given children and eight grandchildren "palace each", to help assuage their fears that love may not be genuine. He commented, "Alfonso did not want anything. All he wants is me." Deuh ... so sweet!

By: REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, 10/08/2011, 22 hours ago

Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011

Tante Girang: Cervical cancer is the main enemy of women

Tante Girang: Cervical cancer is the main enemy of women. Therefore many of these prevention efforts conducted through a method of 'standing pee'. Really?
So far, the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) early detection of cervical cancer can be done in two ways, ie, pap smears and vaccines. Apparently, there are other ways and a little unique that can prevent cervical cancer, ie pee or pee standing up.

According to health experts, Dr. Ananto Sidohutomo MARS mention pee standing option is not only useful to prevent cancer. But it also allows each woman gets rid of small water infrastructure are hygienic, comfortable, and minimize the use of sanitation and water are commonly found bacteria, fungi, parasites, and viruses.

"Prevention can be done from any side. To prevent cervical cancer and anticipation, there are score cards early detection of cervical cancer, there is a pap-smear, no HPV vaccination, there Valeri, and 'standing pee'," said Ananto. The position of urine, said Dr. Ananto, affecting the flow of seepage of urine into the vagina. According to dr. Ananto, urine instead of liquid cleaner. Urine metabolic waste including body dispose of substances that are not useful in the body. If the rest of the urine sediment in the vagina it will disturb the cleanliness.

"Remember, clean is not a factor also trigger the appearance of cervical cancer. While in a standing position, the urine will radiate out from the opening of the urethra without any sediment in the vagina," said dr. Ananto.

By: Dahlia Krisnamurti|inilah.com, Jakarta|Rab, 03/08/2011

Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011

Tante: Titi DJ & Ovy '/ Rif' Divorce

Tante: Titi DJ & Ovy '/ Rif' Divorce Shocking news came from the marriage Titi DJ and Ovy. After being married for five years, Titi and Ovy decided to divorce.

Through the release of a BBC broadcast appointed as media partner 'Divorce Titi DJ and Ovy', revealed her marriage to Titi Ovy has ended. He also admitted the weight to make the decision.

Unfortunately, until now, unknown cause of the couple's divorce. Meanwhile, the management was reluctant to comment Titi. "Yeah right, but we did not talk much because now is the fasting month," said Titi manager, Jenny detikhot when contacted by phone on Tuesday (08/02/2011).

Titi and Ovy married on May 23, 2007 in Mecca. It is the third marriage for the singer of 'Language Heart' is.

Tante: Periods of Beautiful Tante Titi DJ and Ovy

Tante: Periods of Beautiful Tante Titi DJ and Ovy Couples who have been married for four years has just announced their separation.
Couples who have been married for four years has just announced their separation. While many celebrities to develop her career in politics, for example, Marissa Haque, Nurul Arifin, Dede Yusuf, and others, but the celebrity couple is actually different. Ovy Titi DJ and her husband, both of the top artists of this world just glanced zerowaste.

Initially I was surprised too when there is an SMS from Titi DJ and Ovy Noviar Rachmansyah who want comparative studies looking at ways of compost-mengompos at my house Jl. Alfa 92 Bandung. Current "trend" his celebrity to develop a career as a member for the House of Representatives and the Regional Leadership, but that is why even want to explore the compost and zerowaste. Hopefully Titi DJ and Ovy become environmental ambassadors of special waste.

As planned, 26 September 2008 came entourage Ovy Titi DJ and her husband and her children: Salma, Salwa, Daffa, Excel, Keisha (Stephanie did not participate), the following Slamet (board family garden and Ovy Titi DJ), and the driver.

Titi DJ and Ovy family is eager to become zerowaste home, manage their own trash in a way 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle). Apparent seriousness of the questions about MOL and compost-mengompos. Even the always stressed to Slamet as caretaker family gardens in order to listen to explanations and practice in the future.

His desire to berzerowaste also visible when in the 'shout box' blog clearwaste never asked about the rice bucket. Time in the 'shoutbox' using the name 'titiovy Rachmansyah', and I do not know if that Titi DJ.

Tante Girang: Sued 6 Months, Jupe Crying

Tante Girang: Sued 6 Months, Jupe Crying Jakarta-C & R/OMG- Julia Perez or Jupe is required 6 months due to fight with Dewi Persik in the filmmaking process Jupe Spirits Shake-Depe. He sued Article 351 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code.
Hearing these demands Jupe Shedding tears. Gaston Castano admitted lover's emotion, plus he was fasting. "Because of the fast times yes so emotional, I know have a chance but do not know why," he said after the hearing in the East Jakarta District Court.

Artist Yuli Rachmawati owner's full name was also confident and optimistic through all phases of this trial. Moreover, he still has a chance to do pledoi or defense on, Tuesday, August 9, 2011. "Yes, that's still a long trial, there is still pledoi, new demands. I'm sure I could go through all this," he said.

By: CekRicek Editor, Tuesday, 02/08/2011.

Tante Girang: Jupe Sued 6 Months Jail

Tante Girang: Jupe Sued 6 Months Jail Jakarta-C & R/OMG- Jupe Julia Perez alias prosecuted six months in prison by the prosecutor, SH Milono Jupe prosecuted Article 351 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code concerning the action of persecution.
"Declare the defendant Yuli Rahmawati aka Julia Perez guilty of the crime of persecution as stipulated in article 351 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code. And Dropping imprisonment against Yuli Rahmawati Julia Perez alias for 6 months in jail," said the prosecutor, Milono, SH, when reading the demands in the future judges in the East Jakarta District Court, Tuesday, 02/08/2011.

The next agenda is to read a defense or pledoi which will take place, Tuesday, August 9, 2011. The judge also gave the option to owners in order song Belah Duren was pledoi prepared by itself or entrusted entirely to his legal team. Hearing this Jupe still not sure how he would be reading his defense. "Talk used the same power law can not ngambil decisions now," said Jupe. Ichsan

By: CekRicek Editor, CekRicek | CekRicek - 39 minutes ago

Tante Girang: Titi DJ and Ovy We're Separated

Tante Girang: Titi DJ and Ovy We're Separated Today, through KapanLagi.com, we, Titi DJ and Ovy, delivered a farewell news. Of course this is very shocking for all the family, fans, friends, partners and media friends.
brings together two lovebirds like most, but we're trying to unite two families: Ovy with two children and Titi with 4 children. ONCE WE LIVE A BEAUTIFUL LIFE. Yes, we feel happy times. We enjoyed our times together, and always try our best to our family. We had everything and was always determined to try, but was staying with eight in one house is not easy. Four years we lived and we finally have heartened to admit that we do not have the strength anymore to fight together.

We, Titi and Ovy, through a long discussion, conclusion and believe, that the brotherly relationship we will be better for each of us know, if realized in the form of bonds of kinship and friendship, NOT AGAIN in the form of a marriage bond. We believe in a friendship of mutual respect there would be a more sincere and ideally between our air-8.

We hope we can all accept what it is now. Not easy. Weight. Very difficult. But we believe, all the prayers from family, fans, friends, partners and media friends, will guide us to a better future. Amen. kpl / sc / rhythm