Jumat, 22 April 2011

Tante Girang P45.dependen

Tante Girang P45.dependen cytochrome oxidase enzyme, which plays a role in biotransformation and detoxification reaction intermediate compounds and metabolites xenobiotik, will also generate peroxide compounds or reactive oxygen compounds
In normal conditions, the formation of hydrogen peroxide is not so dangerous. However, the presence of transition metals such as Cu and Fe will form a very dangerous hydroxyl radical, via the Haber-Weiss reaction and Fenton. For example the enzyme monoamine oxidase, the presence of isoenzymes of different shapes to form hydrogen peroxide in peripheral tissues. Fe or Cu metal will react with hydroxyl radicals, and then will destroy the cell structure. Macrophage and neutrophil activation is a form of the body's defense mechanism against infectious microorganisms. In this case the oxidase and oxygenase enzymes to form various compounds free radicals and reactive oxygen compounds, including hipoklorid acid (HOO), which will attack and destroy viruses and bacteria. But on the other hand, the formation of radical compounds are also potentially very dangerous because it attacks the body's cells. Fe or Cu metal will react with hydroxyl radicals, and then will destroy the cell structure. Macrophage and neutrophil activation is a form of the body's defense mechanism against infectious microorganisms. In this case the oxidase and oxygenase enzymes to form various compounds free radicals and reactive oxygen compounds, including hipoklorid acid (HOO), which will attack and destroy viruses and bacteria. But on the other hand, the formation of radical compounds are also potentially very dangerous because it attacks the body's cells. If this is not controlled properly by the body's defense system, will trigger the emergence of various chronic diseases, particularly rheumatoid symptomatic, which is ldinis known as autoimmune disease. For example, the occurrence of cardiac miopatia poliartritis don an adult, Streptococcus and Staphylococcus infections, glomerulo nephritis, and others.

Sabtu, 16 April 2011

Tante Girang Belleville-Nabet

Tante Girang Belleville-Nabet (1996) show some reaction to the formation of reactive oxygen compounds. Teraktivasinya oxygen can cause the formation of oxygen free radicals, called superoxide anion (02.)
In vitro radical compounds will form complexes with organic compounds. Many factors that cause these compounds to form complexes, among others, the existence of membrane surface properties, electrical charge, the nature of the binding of macromolecules, and the enzyme, substrate, and catalyst. These complex compounds can occur in various cells that are still normal and abnormal or has been activated. Free radicals, often called reactive oxygen species (SOR), also can be formed through the enzymatic or metabolic. The process of cascade of arachidonic acid into prostaglandins and prostacyclin lipoksigenase and driven by the enzyme cyclooxygenase (producing components or reactive oxygen compounds licrupa epoxides and peroxides), and oxidase (monoamine oxidase-shaped or aldehyde oxidase), the next will form the superoxide anion radical or hydroperoxide.

Tante Girang Genit Formation

Tante Girang Genit Formation of Reactive Oxygen compounds: reactive oxygen compounds will be formed each time invarious activities ,even when we 'rebreathing . However, in general, the formation of reactive oxygen species or free radicals triggered by some environmental factors.

Pesticides or carbon tetrachloride (CC14). This compound after the entry into the body will react with cytochrome P450 and produces radical monooksigenase triklorometil (CCI3) and triklorometilperoksil (CC1303). The result of roasting meat fatty compounds called benzoapirene. These compounds enter the body if it will turn into epoxide radical compounds. Food additives (E120 Red and karmiat acid). Furthermore, the radical compound that is formed will act as an initiator in the process of lipid peroxidation leading to tissue damage (Zachariah, et al., 1996). Meanwhile, Supari (1996) argues that in dasarya free radicals can be formed through two ways, namely by endogenous (as a normal response to intracellular and extracellular biochemical processes) and exogenous (eg from pollution, food, and injection or absorption through the skin).

Kamis, 14 April 2011

Foto Sasha Grey

Abg Hongkong Seksi

Abg Hongkong Seksi will probably find there are some stores which don’t stock anything you like at all. In that case you can cross them off your list and keep looking. Make a mental note of the prices as well; you could find that some stores are a little too rich for your budget. If budget is a very important issue you should find out about the possibility of renting a wedding dress as well. Not all outlets provide this service, but clearly it will be much cheaper than buying your wedding dress outright. Many brides don’t even know this is a possibility, let alone consider it in any length. As you can see it pays to start looking for wedding dress outlets well ahead of time.

Sabtu, 09 April 2011

Tante Seksi Girang Jakarta

Tante Seksi Girang Jakarta Expenditure milk (oxytocin): (a) . Pressure from behind. (b). Neurohormonal reflex. Two factors are involved in the milk flow from secretory cells into the mammary papilla. Pressure globuli newly formed within the cell will push into the tubule globuli laktifer and sucking by the baby will stimulate more milk secretion.

If the baby is breastfed, then suck the rhythmic movements would produce nerve impulses contained in the posterior pituitary gland. A direct result of this reflex is the release of oxytocin from the posterior pituitary: this will cause mioepitel cells (cells' basket 'or spider cells') around the alveoli to contract and push milk into the lactifer vessels, and thus more much milk that flows into the ampullae. This reflex can be inhibited by the presence of pain, such as stitches perineum. Thus it is important to place the mother in a comfortable position, relaxed and free and pain, especially during the hours the child lactation. The same oxytocin secretion will cause the uterine muscles to contract and help the involution of the uterus during puerperium (days post partum).

Tante Girang Nakal Asia

Tante Girang Nakal Asia Lactation Physiology. Two factors are regulated by hormones involved in lactation physiology. (a). Production : In the physiology of lactation, prolactin, a hormone secreted by the breast milk of anterior pituitary gland, it is important for the production of breast milk, (prolactin) but although the levels of this hormone in the maternal circulation increases during pregnancy, the hormones are inhibited by placental hormones.

With the release or discharge of the placenta at the end of the delivery process, the estrogen and progesterone levels gradually decreased until the level of prolactin to the release and reactivation. An increasing blood supply circulating through the breast and can be extracted essential ingredient for the formation of milk. Globulin, fat and protein molecules from the bottom of the secretory cells will swell the acini and pushed toward the tubule laktifer. Increased levels of prolactin will inhibit ovulation and thus also has the function of contraception, but she needs to give breast milk 2 to 3 times every hour to take effect is really effective. Prolactin levels are highest at night, and Cessation of breast milk first performed at night, which usually is so, then the methods of contraception is more rel label should be used when wanting to avoid pregnancy.

Minggu, 03 April 2011

Tante Girang Kaya Asia

Tante Girang Kaya Asia The increase in capillary permeability caused a decrease in intravascular volume and cardiac output. Although systemic arterial pressure in the first place can often be maintained near normal values​ ​, but the ongoing downsizing of intravascular volume may lead to hypotension, decreased peripheral perfusion, and tissue acidosis. Loss of intravascular fluid to the extent of the burns that exceed 20 to 25% of the surface of the body too quickly to be resolved by the partial correction of fluid deficit through intracellular fluid shifts.

At first, the increase in capillary permeability would result in a net loss of plasma volume obligate. Within 24 hours of a second after the burn, capillary permeability returned to normal, with a small increase in the net and intravascular plasma volume. Replacement fluid is burned off and the network is a cornerstone in the treatment and prevention is shock due to burns. With appropriate crystalloid fluid resuscitation for 12 to 24 hours, cardiac output will increase to levels above normal, reflecting the early symptoms of a post hipermetabolisme burns. Data such as these emphasize the importance of measuring cardiac output over the determination of blood volume as an indication of the success of resuscitation. Although at first the patient may experience hypotension and hypovolemia, but blood pressure often times will remain among the low-to low-normal with adequate systemic perfusion after resuscitation began. enelitian experimental have shown that the kidney is the organ with a perfusion of the worst after a burn. With resuscitation, the renal blood flow will return to normal only after perfusion of other visceral organs recover. Thus, an adequate renal perfusion can be interpreted as an adequate blood flow also to other organs. Urine comes out is an indication of the most precise and easy to monitor resuscitation.

Tante Girang Genit Asia

Tante Girang Genit Asia Physiology of fluid resuscitation Thermal injuryto the the skin manifest as coagulation necrosis with microvascular thrombosis in areas that most of the damage . Surrounding tissue usually had burns that are not too severe, with stasis and hiperemia that its boundaries are not clear. Areas that potentially could be saved, earned perfusion of microcirculation damage. If patients with extensive burns do not immediately get the proper fluid resuscitation, then

shock may occur due to burns and cuts part of the injury but will still alive, and will continue to be necrosis. Quinine, prostanoid, histamine, and oxygen radicals appear to play an important role in determining the severity of tissue injury. Ibuprofen can save the skin blood vessels and reduce edema arising early after burns. Fluid resuscitation is to strengthen the formation of edema in the tissue, both suffered burns or not. Edema is not will always be bad, if recovered will not leave permanent damage. The liquid that comes out and the room is very similar intravascular plasma, both in terms of protein content and the electrolyte. Baxter and Shire have shown that loss of sodium is approximately 0.5 to 0.6 meq / kg body weight /% body surface burned. Acute hemolysis caused by direct damage to cells red blood due to heat. Activation of complement due to burns and subsequent production of oxygen radicals by neutrophils increased osmotic fragility of red blood cells, and cause hemolysis lasted for several days after thermal injury. In the first 24 hours after injury, hematocrit values ​​as high as 70% relatively often found in a previously healthy young people.